Our little Irish Girls
having a place to go is called home. having people to be with is called family. having both is a blessing
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
State of Hockey

Let the tournament begin! The 2009 Minnesota High School State Hockey Tournament began today. Jake's team (Century Panthers) play tomorrow at 1pm. Our cousin Will's team, the Virgina Blue Devils, plays tonight and he is the starting goalie! :) They are in separate classes so won't play against each other but will hopefully get to see each other! Go Panthers! Go Virgina! Jake left today, but Lauryn and Jenna are both sick so we aren't able to attend tomorrow's game. :( Thank Goodness it's televised so we will be cheering for Daddy from home. They are both wearing Navy/White Panther hockey apparel today to send Daddy off and wish his team well!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Century Panther Hockey
Friday afternoon
It's Friday afternoon
I just got home from work
I am greeted by Lauryn, beaming ear to ear
I got dressed all by myself Mommy, she says
My little baby is now dressing her self
growing up so quickly. too quickly.
but I smile and tell her how proud I am of her.
the sun is shining, the temperature is almost 50
beautiful weather for March in Minnesota
let's go for a walk I say
Lauryn jumps in delight and states
You take Jenna in the stroller and I take my baby in my stroller
So another walk to Kwik Trip for a sucker and a banana
Today Jenna is awake for the walk and is just looking around
Lauryn again reminds me to stop and look around
Look at my footsteps Mommy
she says after walking through a puddle
Look at the birdies Mommy, 1.2.3 birdies
Mommy I walking with my baby...just like you Mommy
I am in awe of this little girl..so smart so inquistitive
I am reminded of how important our role as parents really is
I look at Lauryn. I look at Jenna.
I can't believe how fast time is going.
there are days I wish it would slow down
we get to Kwik Trip and Lauryn picks out a purple sucker.
do you want a sucker Mommy? she is always so thoughtful
we are leaving now
Lauryn tells me we are going out the hamburger door
what I ask
what I ask
we go in the pizza door and out the hamburger door she says
I look at the doors, sure enough,
there are photos of these 2 items on the doors
and I am laughing out loud!
it's the little things, I think
we walk back home, need to get home
to have supper with Jake before he goes to hockey
I find myself looking at the girls again
not wanting to forget anything about them
or any of these moments with them
that's why i blog...it's like a journal for me
i want to remember all of these precious moments
I don't want to take a day for granted...
I am reminded in my line of ICU work that you just never know
I want them to always know and feel just how much I love them
And just how much they teach me too
it's Thursday morning

my only day off in this 7 day stretch
it begins at 6am with Lauryn crawling into bed...
I pretend I am asleep in hopes she will cuddle up and sleep more too
she showers me with cuddles and kisses and says, 'let's get up Mommy!'
she knows this is 'her' time because Jenna will sleep for a few more hours
we have our toast together on the couch and watch Dora
later Jenna wakes up and we all decide to go to the playground at the mall
I am backing out of the garage and Max disappears
Where is that damn dog I mutter to myself...or so i think
Max appears and Lauryn replys
There's that damn dog Mommy
Time to watch what I say...
Stop at a few stores at the mall, scoping out the clearance racks
Keeping my eyes open for navy blue...
Jake's hockey team is 1 game away from state-the girls may need Panther apparel to support Daddy and his team
Lauryn has a great time playing on the playground, Jenna loves watching
Lauryn very politely asks for ice cream as we pass Cold Stone
It's almost lunch time, but what the heck, i give in and she is all smiles
blue cotton candy ice cream....with sprinkles
$1.81 and she's absolutely thrilled
$1.81 and she's absolutely thrilled
we continue the walk to our car...
we see a very young boy walking with a walker
'What's that Mommy?' Lauryn asks
With tears in my eyes I explain he needs help walking and that the walker is his friend
Lauryn accepts but then starts walking with her ankles turned in
I am embarrassed and reminded of my father and I doing that to be funny
it's not funny anymore and I am hope they don't see
Later that afternoon we walk to Kwik Trip
Jenna in the stroller, Lauryn's "baby" in her stroller
Lauryn is glowing because she is pushing a stroller/baby just like me
I am glowing because this is my life
I sometimes ask myself, is this for real?
I wish everyone had a 2 year old to remind them of what's important in life
it's the little things
Lauryn shrieks in delight because she can see the train coming
We get a little bit out of our driveway and i realize I need my purse
I told Lauryn we need to go home to get some money
Why she asks
Because i don't have any, I reply
she looks at me so sweetly and so innocent
I have money in my jar Mommy
My heart melts and I tell her that money is just for her
We get some money and make our way to Kwik Trip
She picks out a ring sucker and life is swell
Jake comes home much later
it's parent teacher conferencesLauryn is still awake-she often lies in bed, awake
waiting for Daddy to come sing Pooh
She tells Daddy all about our walk to Kwik Trip with our babies
And again, I think...I am so blessed
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