Happy Birthday, My Love! What a lovely surprise this morning-4 hours off of work and they called just in time for me to treat Jake to breakfast in bed with Lauryn. From the look on your face, I think you were pleased with your presents (an
ipod and accessories). Happy Birthday Babe, we all love you
sooooooooo much!!! You are one incredible husband and an absolutely amazing Daddy!!!!

Lauryn & Jenna loved wearing special shirts for Daddy!
Lauryn's-I Love Daddy
Jenna's-If you think I'm COOL you should see my DAD

We all went to dinner at a newer place in Rochester to celebrate Jake's birthday. It was very good, in fact Lauryn's comment was, "This cake is really good!" This is clearly a step up from her typical comment, "It's not too bad!" The decor was pretty sweet-pretty modern, especially for Rochester. Lauryn commented on that too by saying, "I like that fireplace!" She makes me laugh every day! Often many times a day! Anyway, Happy Birthday Jake, I hope it was a great day!
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