Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back to Work..sort of

Yesterday was my first day back at work after a very nice 13 week maternity leave. Overall it went very well and I was excited to go again today. However, little Miss Lauryn is still running a 102 degree temperature. We were just going to bed Saturday night when I heard her coughing a classic croup sounding cough. I had Jake get her up right away and sure enough, she was working fairly hard at breathing and had a fever. We quickly packed up and I took her to the ER where they gave her some oral steroids and watched her for a bit. She perked up quickly so we were able to go home for the night. When I was getting her out of her carseat (at 3am Sunday morning), she said, "I love you Mom." I think that also means thank you for taking care of me Mom. I can't even explain how much I love her too! :) Now she has this residual, nagging cold that's wearing her down and causing fevers. Jake stayed home with her yesterday, so it was Mom's turn today. Thank goodness my work is understanding, I feel horrible about calling in so early into my return! But I know I would feel much worse not being here for her. Hope you all are having a happy Tuesday!

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