Anybody who knows me knows that I am not a dog lover. I am not a dog hater, but prior to Max, the only two dogs I have ever liked were Britney and Jager. In fact I actually liked them better than our own dog Max. I never wanted Max. I caved in a weak moment trying to find the perfect Father's Day gift for Jake one year. And so here we are stuck with this huge, fluffy, goofy beast we call Max. FYI, Jake and Lauryn are CRAZY about him so I had to accept him. Anyway, he has grown on me slightly (after 1.5 years), but then I read this book and I don't know if I should laugh or cry. The book is incredible-a great read. But now I find myself looking at Max in a different way...I even defend him when Jake gets mad at him or doesn't spend enough time with him...yikes what is happening to me? Oh well, regardless, I highly recommend any animal lover to read this book, it is wonderful. And for the record...I don't love Max, do I?!
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ReplyDeleteOh! Mike and I took Isabel and Clara to see Marley & Me last weekend - what a tearfest! Maybe not the best choice of movies for little ones, but the liked it (except for the end, of course!). We (all of us) are huge dog lovers, so it would have been a sad movie anyway, but...
ReplyDeleteFor Mike and I, it was like reliving the night we had to put Daisy down - Mike and I took her to the vet in Kalona, Mike had to carry her into the office as she couldn't walk (she had crawled out to the field earlier that night...to die, we believed), she had a stomach issue (bowel obstruction), if she survived surgery she would have likely lived a few months and spent that time recovering from a serious surgery, etc.
Anyway, putting her down was the hardest thing I ever had to do. But having Mike there for that and seeing his reaction and how gentle he was with her made me realize something. He left me in the room with her for a minute and I was trying to figure out where the hell he went - he had run out to Dad's truck and grabbed one of Dad's gloves, which Daisy loved to steal and chew on. He brought the glove back in and laid it down by her head, and she suddenly relaxed (she had very labored breathing prior to that and seemed anxious). He stayed right by Daisy's side when the vet administered the medication to put her down, and he was in tears right alongside during the process.
I knew that moment that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. ;)