Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lauryn's First Slumber Party

My sister-in-law, Nicholl and her 4 girls came down yesterday and spent the night at our house. We had an absolute blast with them and Lauryn was thrilled to have a slumber party in her bedroom! We spent the evening playing American Idol on the Wii, running around the house, watching movies and Jake made personal pan pizzas with them. Their was a ton of energy in the house but it was so much fun! Where else can Jake spent the night with 8 ladies and not make me upset?! :)
Lauryn, Tara, Desiree, & Madison
The youngest of the Schleusner girls, Gabrielle (5 months) & Jenna (2 months), get reacquainted.
AMERICAN IDOL-Here we come!!!
Move on over Beyonce...Nicholl's in the house!!!
I've Got You Babe?
Bedtime-notice my child is still childhood friends-wasn't this me at our sleepovers about twentysome years ago too?! Yikes...does history always have to repeat itself?!
Cutest little flower and frog I've ever seen! :)

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