Sunday, January 25, 2009

Snow Days

We have been enjoying the extra days home with Daddy during this UNBELIEVABLY cold winter! I can't believe it was -26 degrees...yikes, the weather reminded me of the day Jake and I got married! I am already sick of winter, but we love it when school is cancelled! :) It's like a lovely surprise day off which most often turns into a family day for us (and a ton of help for Mom).

Jake and his little ladies

Making tents is one of Lauryn's favorite things to do right now.

Lauryn had become quite innovative with her four-wheeler she received from Uncle Jason for Christmas. Here she is being stunt girl and has also discovered how to hook up a wagon to it and haul toys back to her room during pick up time.

Jenna is over two months old now, I can't believe it! Time is not slowing down by any means and I am already preparing to go back to work. :( I am going to miss the girls sooooo much!

Yes, I did it....I bought the girls their first matching outfit! Aren't they cute?!

It's not something I will do frequently, but it was fun! Lauryn loved it too...sometimes I think she thinks Jenna is her own live doll to play with! :)

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